Monday, September 4, 2017

The Lord puts people in your way

Bom Dia Irmãos e Irmã! Agradeço muito por este tempo para falar convosco esta semana! Foi uma semana incrível! Tivemos muitos milagres e algumas historias ingresadas. Mas em geral foi uma outra semana em paraíso.

Primeira historia ingressada: Um pastore tentou a nos converter. So two weeks ago at the end of the week, we had been talking with a lot of people in the streets. We ended up talking with this guy who was really cool and really receptive to talk to us (that was the first weird thing). He had moved into the area recently with his family. The second weird thing is that he wanted to tell us a little bit about himself in the street. So he started talking, and he was a religious person in the past.  He told us about how he found Jesus Christ and became saved and stuff like that. He really liked the Bible. Then at the end he told us why he had moved here recently. He was actually going to open up his own church here in Vale da Amoreira. Lol. Haha so we set up an appointment with him for early this past week. When we got there we explained why we were there and explained about the restoration, the great apostasy and the Book of Mormon. When we finished, he told us that he was thankful that we came and explained all these thing but that he had a different purpose in mind. He told us that he wanted to «mudar nossa mentes» or «change our minds». He then tried to bible bash with us for the next 45 minutes. He didn't do a very good job because I am still here on the mission and have more desire than ever to help other understand better their relationship with Jesus Christ through the Book of Mormon.
Também tivemos Milagres: Uma mulher parou nos porque ela quer ser batizada. As we were rushing from one appointment to another yesterday, this lady that was sitting on a bench stopped us because she wanted to talk with us. When we got to her, she told us that she wanted to be baptized. She had already talked with the missionaries before and they had tried to help her to be baptized but she was sick so she couldn't. Now she is better and now she wants to be baptized. She has already gone to church for three months and she already lives the Word of Wisdom. Aguinha. It's funny how we work really hard sometimes and it seems like our work doesn't do anything and then the Lord just puts people in your way. It's incredible how he works. 

Elder Fogg
Missão Portugal Lisboa

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