Monday, August 6, 2018

This week was not the easiest one.

Fun stuff happened this week.

Spiritual thought: In D+C 121 it says «Meu filho, paz seja com tua alma, sua adversidade e tuas aflições não durarão mais que um momento; e então se suportares bem, Deus te exaltará no alto» verses 7 and 8. Here I won't go over the background about what was happening with Joseph Smith when he received this counsel, I'll just use these words he gave to one servant at one time as the same counsel he gave to other servants in another time. This week was not the easiest one. We worked real hard, did our best and not much came about. But as God told his servant Joseph, paz seja com tua alma, we also need to see that the trial of our faith won't be forever, it will end. This week we ended our trial with our own action. We said basically «well this week sucked, but next week can be better if we make it better». Instead of looking back and gnashing our teeth at the past, we looked forward. We started making a lot of appointments with members and things started to roll from there to the point where yesterday 3 people told us they wanted to be baptized.  We hadn't even said anything. Paz seja com tua alma... se surportares bem, Deus exaltará no alto. 

Funny experience: There's this huge catholic party going on in the middle of our city. (background the Catholics during the summer just throw a lot of parties in all their cities until the end of summer. It's interesting, but any hoo)  Yesterday, they started it off with a grand processional of this statue going through the city. Our plans took us straight through the festival. It was crazy. I'll send pictures of what they had set up for this thing but as we were walking through just trying to get to the other side, we ran into 1. an investigator that was walking in the parade, and 2. a less active member. At that moment on I thought, well we need to teach the restoration little bit better. 

Élder Fogg

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