Monday, October 23, 2017

Building a foundation by faith

Apesar de: muitas dificuldades, humilhei-mi mesmo e vi o que Deus queria que eu fizesse. «Apesar de» signifies despite of. These past weeks have been really humbling. We have not been having the success we ought to have had. I had been a little upset about that. Instead of just giving up and becoming overcome, I was able to see the why. I have seen that I haven't been sufficiently prepared to help people. That I have been relying to much on hope instead of building a foundation by faith. I will build the foundation that I need and become the missionary God wants me to become.
Milagre: Olhando para atrás é impressionate como eu consigo falar portugês. The miracle  is that I can speak Portuguese fluently. A year ago that was my biggest preoccupation. But I received a blessing from my stake president when I was being set apart that I would be able to learn and speak Portuguese above my natural capabilities. I have seen that promise fulfilled time and time again here in Portugal. It's awesome seeing the shock and awe on the faces of the people after I respond fluently in Portuguese. They always respond in English and I always respond in Portuguese. Because it is actually easier. The biggest reason I know that this is a blessing from God is because I learned to speak French «fluently» for 8 or more years, using the best learning method of men. But in less than 12 short months I have learned to speak Portuguese 12x better using the power of god.

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