Monday, October 30, 2017

The "FoggMachine" still has leg speed

Bom Dia Alegria! Esta semana foi muito bom! Ensinamos, trabalhamos e comemos! Tivemos muitas adventuras! Era uma semana de MILAGRES. Em fim foi uma outra semana em paraíso.

A pé de Elder Harper: Provavelmente quebrado. He said last week that his foot was hurting. We went running on Tuesday or something and it kept on getting worse. On Wednesday we showed his foot to the sisters in our branch. They said that we needed to call Sister Tavares in that moment. Then I got a good look at his foot. It was swollen, like really big. It was bad. This week we weren't able to do as much ''work'' as we usually do in the usual sense, basically we didn't walk as much. We worked in a different manner. We had to work smartly. We didn't walk as much but we used our phone a lot more and tried to get a hold of the people that had the most potential. We now have to wait until Tuesday so see what is wrong with his foot. (that's the earliest appointment that they could get for us). It's great to see how the Lord blesses us when we try to do our best. 

Noticias na programa de treinemento: Sou mais rapido de que um cão. So this week we were trying to visit one person called Sandro. We found him in his house and made an appointment with him for the weekend. As we were going to head down the stairs, we heard a door open on the top floor (they had 6 floors and we were on the 2nd), and all of a sudden ravenous barking filled the stairwell. As we made it to the first floor, we noticed that the barking was getting really loud and that the footsteps of the dog actually sounded like leaps. Bolting for the door, Elder Harper hobbled out, I was closely behind. Tried to jam the door shut to block the ferocious beast on the other side alas but to no avail. He came bolting out barking. I did the thing I was trained to do from a very young age, I'm talking 4, 5 or 6, I RAN. (iraq, afganistan, but I shouldn't make these joke in the middle(east) of the story... lol puns). We were off to the races. I dashed out into the parking lot, the beast close behind, I couldn't tell and then I felt a sharp pain in my leg. I couldn't stop to look at what happened I had to get away. I could feel him on my heels. I veered to the right.  I did the longest and fastest stride of my life. (If any of you were wondering if the "foggmachine" still has leg speed, let's just say all the dog could eat for dinner was my dust.) I out ran a dog. The Africans that were sitting viewing the spectacle actually said it was impressive.  The dog did bite me but the worst part is that he ripped my pants. And they were my comfy pants too. But we actually went back to the house after the fact and knocked on the door. Turns out the dog's name is Max. The owner actually came to church and we taught him this Sunday

Escritura: 2 Ne 31:17 ''Portanto, fazei as coisas que eu vos disse ter visto vosso Senhor e Redentor fazer; porque por esta razão me foram mostradas, para que possais conhecer a porta pela qual deveis entrar. Porque a porta pela qual deveis entrar é o arrependimento e o batismo com água; e vem, então, a remissão de vossos pecados pelo fogo e pelo Espírito Santo.'' As missionaries we have a lot of circumstances that are like what the Savoir passed by.  When we invited people to come unto Christ through baptism and receiving the holy ghost by laying on of hands, we are basically taking the place of the Savoir. We are showing them the door that he has showed us and we are helping them like he has helped us. I know this work is true and that Christ lives. This is his church and I am his representative. 

Elder Fogg
Missão Portugal Lisboa

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