Monday, March 19, 2018

Évora is great!

Let's imagine real quick. You wake up, it's cold and you can here the sound of rain hitting a against the roof. You slowly drift into consciousness. You hadn't noticed the smell until now and the smell of humid cotton hits your nostrils. You look up at the ceiling.  Slowly you recognize that you aren't in the bunk bed that you have been sleeping in for the past 4 1/2 months. Then, you realize that you are also way closer to the ground than you are accustomed to. Look to the side and above all you see is a blond haired, blue eyed dude instead of an Asian, and that's when you start to panic. That how I have been feeling for the last week as I have been waking up here in Évora. Lol I don't panic, it's more of an exciting feeling.

Évora is great! The town is really cool. There are a lot of tourist. It's got a college too so there are some youth. It's kind of like Colonial Williamsburg and William and Mary. The entire city is encircled by a stone wall like a castle! It's so cool. And they have like 10 Catholic churches in like 5 square miles! It's insane in the membrane. The streets are only cobble stone.  There is no pavement. It's incredibly painful for my feet but who cares because it looks incredible. There are about 15 people that are active in our branch here but we have a couple of families and investigators that come regularly to church, so we have 20-25 people generally. The people here are really cool.

Elder Francis is going home a week early this transfer because of some meeting our mission president has to go to. So I will probably be here for a good long time. Elder Francis is white and from Utah. He has served in Loulé like I did, but before I did, and the Acores and another area. He likes video games and has a big family. He doesn't seem too excited to be my comp.  He seems more excited for his next one (*wink *wink *nod *nod (*cough *His wife* *cough)) Lol, the only thing better than a good joke is a well explained one. He's pretty cool and is excited to be my comp.

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