Monday, March 12, 2018

Transfer to Évora

We have transfers this week. There have been some real interesting changes in the mission and a real interesting change here in Amadora and for me. Elder Lee is going to stay and he is going to serve with the same missionary that trained him in his first transfer. I am gone. I will be going to an Area of Portugal that is called Évora. It's in the middle of Portugal. It's one of the biggest areas in the mission, and it's in the middle of no where. I don't know what I did to make President mad to send me to Évora but it must of been something real bad. (I joke). But Évora usually was the area of sisters until now, so it's gonna be a fun whitewash. I will be serving with Élder Francis. I talked with him at this last Zone Conference.  He said he was from Utah. It's gonna be lit.


After having been in Amadora for 4 and a half months, I will be leaving. There is a commercial center that is called ''Centro Commercial Babalonia'' or in English ''Babylon''. It's a really famous mall basically. It has a ton of African shops, and there are a ton of African people so it's real crowded all  of the time. We do shopping and use the internet cafés to write home. It's a real cool place and it's right next to the Amadora Train station so literally everyone knows it. I have decided that As I am leaving on the train looking through the window seeing Babalonia disappear in the distance I am going to sing ''Ye Elders of Israel''. 

''O Babylon, O Babylon, we bid thee farewell; We’re going to the mountains of Évora to dwell.''

We had a rough week, Elder Lee was sick because it rained a lot. We didn't have much time to work but when we did, we were blessed immensely. 

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