Monday, July 2, 2018

Big Miracle

Well Portugal lost. That really sucked for us because it destroyed our night on Saturday. Nobody was at home and everybody was really sad and in shock. I was extremely surprised at how hard everyone was taking it! It was kind of funny because we visited some members that night and in Portuguese you say «tudo bem?» or «is everything good?» and they all responded «no». 

Church was a mess this week. We had a couple investigators at church.  They were all children under the age of 10. The members did miracles and brought these kids.  They are all kids of less actives that have parents that couldn't make it yesterday, but the members pulled through and brought them to church anyway! Big miracle! It was great that all of them came. But, because their parents weren't there, some of them acted a little wild but besides that the members were really happy with our work.
We worked with this older couple here called Familia Oliveira, Bernadino and Maria de Paz. They went to a family home evening with us and gave us dinner. It was really cool to see the fire that they have. Missionaries usually aske for references of friends and stuff, but with them we asked for names of less actives that they knew. We want to reactive a lot of people here, and they really want to help with that. Even at dinner we were talking about missionary work and they talked about there own family and how they needed to become active. It really cool to see how much pure desire they have to help.

HAPPY 4TH OF JULY (D&C 101:77,80)
Élder Fogg

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