Monday, September 3, 2018

Mario and Paula got married!

This week was very long and seems like eternity passed since last week. Mario and Paula got married! Holy cow that's amazing that it happened. First time on my mission that people I was teaching got married but hey that was cool. We went to the marriage ceremony and saw them sit there and have a government official read a message to them. Took a picture with them. It was interesting to see how the government tries also to protect the family. It's just that they can't protect the family in the same way a church can. With governments, it's the thoughts and best ideas of people trying to do their best, but with the church, it's not our ideas, it's revelation from God. So I thought that was interesting. The members also threw together a little party, like a reception. I'll send pictures next week.   The computer isn't working. It was really cool to see the support from the members for them.

We have been working our buns off trying to help less actives. We helped one, Alfredo, who's been less active for a couple years. He came to church earlier this year, but we decided to talk with him about going to church and the word of wisdom because he smokes. We made a plan to help him stop smoking and to help him go to church and we just passed by everyday. We had contact with him everyday and he got down to 5 cigarettes! And this week the first person I saw when I walked in the building was him! It was incredible! So fun to see when people make and keep commitments because I know that as they do what we say they will get closer to the Lord.

Élder Fogg

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